Gallivanting 2018
Captain’s Blog Saturday, March 17, 2018
The days are getting longer and the sun is getting warmer. The Spring equinox is near. There is an awakening of those feelings that one gets when the wind is blowing in your face…. or not, your gyro is rolling, yawing and questioning your levelness. Now, I’m making up words.
In about 12 weeks, we will be launching for another Summer on the water.
Captain’s Blog Sunday, April 15, 2018
It is zero degrees Celsius and there is about a foot of slush on the ground.
A significant low pressure is slowly making it’s way East-West through Southern Ontario sucking up warm moist air from the South, which in turn is colliding with some cold air from the North right over Southern Ontario. One minute it is raining, the next it is snowing. Then it is freezing rain and now it is ice pellets. Breaking News……, it is now freezing rain, with a 20 knot wind. It would appear that the boundary between the rain and snow keeps moving North and South.
The good news, 9 weeks to launch.
Captain’s Blog Sunday, May 12, 2018
We plan to arrive in St. John’s, Newfoundland on Thursday, June 14th. Shortly afterwards, we will begin preparing for launch. Gallivanting will require some “getting ready”, before we are ready for another summer of cruising around the island Newfoundland. This year, we plan to visit the south coast of the island, including a visit to the French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon.
6 weeks to launch………..
Captain’s Blog Friday, June 15, 2018
We arrived in St. John’s yesterday and are acclimatizing. The temperature is currently 3 C, with rain, drizzle and fog. An inspection of Gallivanting suggests that she is in near ship shape and awaiting launch, which is planned for next week.
Captain’s Blog Saturday, June 16, 2018
The weather today was a little better than yesterday. Still cool, but sunshine. Warm enough to remove the shrink wrap and install zinc anodes on the drive shaft.
Captain’s Blog Saturday, June 21, 2018
It is now Summer in Newfoundland. Today is a big day in several ways. Gallivanting is wet again. The weather is warming up. Next, the mast needs a little work and Gallivanting is being tuned for another summer of cruising.
Captain’s Blog, Sunday, July 1, 2018
Happy Canada day………… We have been in the water for more than a week and yet we still have some work to do before we cast off.
At the discretion of the weather gods, we have managed to insert the stick (between gales), bend on sails (between showers), clean the bilge (during showers) and yet find a little time to drink beer and watch the weather forecast for Guelph.

This week, we plan to depart for the South coast of Newfoundland, known for it’s awesome coastline and fog. A side trip to St. Pierre and Miquelon is planned and maybe even a few Halcyon days along the way.
Captain’s Blog, Wednesday, July 4, 2018
The weather today was great. Rigging the boat is 99% complete and a shakedown cruise is scheduled for Saturday, with our departure scheduled for Sunday. Our wind speed instrument is reading 0.00, which is highly unlikely on this coast. An “up the mast” did not resolve the issue, consequently our wind speed observations this summer will be visual.
This year, getting the boat ready for cruising took a little longer that expected, primarily due to the weather. The daily high temperatures for the next week are expected to be in the 20s (except near the coast).
Captain’s Blog, Saturday, July 7, 2018
The shakedown cruise did come to pass. The winds were just not favorable. The wind instrument is still reading 0.00 and our planned departure is tomorrow.
Captain’s Blog, Sunday, July 8, 2018
The wind is still blowing.
Departed Holyrood for Harbour Grace at ~ 10:00.
Weather – Sun and Cloud and SW winds at ~ 15 kts.
Unfurled the jib and put up the main a little later. As the winds increased, we put the first reef in the main and a little later came the second reef. Next, we furled the jib to about half (of the 140).

Harbour Grace rocks
When we rounded the Harbour Grace rocks, we were were heading Southwest directly into the wind and the waves. It was fun getting the sails down.
Arrived at the Admiral marina in Harbour Grace at ~ 15:30. Docking at the Admiral marina was almost as much fun as sailing out the bay.
A meal of pasta and wine followed our tieup.
Tucked away at Harbour Grace.
Captain’s Blog, Monday, July 9, 2018
The wind is still blowing, albeit lighter in the early morning than in the evening, hence our departure at 06:00.
We motor with the quarterly sea (out of the Southwest) on a Northeast heading across Conception Bay for Cape St Francis. As the day goes on, the waves increase.
As we round Cape St Francis and head Southeast, we experience the effect of the winds flowing up and over and then gusting down the rugged coastline. As we head more south the waves build and we are now beating into the waves and wind.
A stowaway………….
At about 12:30, we pass the entrance to Quidi Vidi and get our first glimpses of the iconic Cabot tower.

Cabot Tower
We decided to take the time to sail into St. John’s harbour (just for the fun of it) and it was fun.

St. John’s
The Battery
We departed St. John’s Harbour at about 13:30 and headed for Cape Spear (the most easterly point of North America).
Cape Spear
We rounded Cape Spear at 14:00 and started pounding into waves that would sometimes drop our speed from 6 kts to 2 kts in seconds.
At 14:45, we turn into Petty Harbour and arrive at 15:30. Upon our arrival, it was nice to have a local fisherman help us to a dock. Petty Harbour is a small picturesque fishing village near St. John’s.
Heading into Petty Harbour
Tied up in Petty Harbour
An evening at the pub.
Captain’s Blog, Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Expecting a day like yesterday, we decided to stay. After many challenges, we were able to install a vented loop on the bilge to prevent siphoning, replace a block that exploded yesterday and coax the Espar to continue producing warmth in the evenings. By now, it’s 5 o’clock………, a beautiful evening. Could it be the calm before the storm? The forecast is suggesting that Tropical storm Chris will arrive on Thursday evening.
Captain’s Blog, Wednesday, July 11, 2018
We remain tied up at the Fisherman’s Co-op in Petty Harbour. With the crab fishery still on, we will most likely have to relocate (within the harbour) in the morning to allow for the landing of crabs. The local fisherman have been very accommodating.
Our plan is to stay put in this harbour until Chris passes tomorrow night and maybe depart Petty Harbour on Friday morning, if conditions permit.
Captain’s Blog, Thursday, July 12, 2018
15:00 – Post tropical storm Chris is expected to arrive at about dinner time and intensify through midnight, then quickly head out in the Atlantic. The center of the Low is expected to pass just west of Petty Harbour. Most of today was spent doing the things that we hope will keep us safe and prevent damage.
The calm before the storm
At 17:00…………
At 20:00…………..
Captain’s Blog, Friday, July 13, 2018
It was a very noisy night on board, but things are now quieting down as Chris heads out into the Atlantic. The winds are now out of the west and are expected to decrease through the day.
Good to see you after after all these years, Bill…………………….
After an unexpected 4 day stay, we departed Petty Harbour at 11:00 heading down the shore to Fermeuse. Although the winds have diminished significantly, we still have to deal with a confused sea of 2 to 3 meter waves (swells) left over from last night.
We rock’n’rolled down the shore seeing whales breach and blow in the distance, dolphins swim by the boat and many, many sea birds.
At 13:30, we cruise through the islands that make up the Witless Bay Ecological Reserve, home to millions of seabirds.
The Lighthouse at Ferryland
At 17:00, we arrive in Fermeuse Harbour, where we tied up at the wharf in the inner harbour.
What a difference a day makes………….
Captain’s Blog, Saturday, July 14, 2018
We departed Fermeuse Harbour at 08:30.
The s/v Morgan’s Cloud heading for St. John’s
The water is much flatter today, but the fog increases as we head down the coast.
Shortly after noon, we go by Cape Race. The first distress messages from the Titanic were received at Cape Race.
Cape Race
The fog is beginning to lift as we go by Mistaken Point. Mistaken Point is considered to be one of the world’s most significant fossil sites.
We arrive Trepassey at 15:30 and elect to drop anchor and relax for the evening.
Captain’s Blog, Sunday, July 15, 2018
After a quiet night on the hook near Trepassey, we departed at 09:15. The weather………. rain, drizzle and fog.
After a long day on the water, we pass Cape St. Mary’s at 16:30. The Cape St. Mary’s Ecological Reserve is considered the most accessible seabird rookery in North America.
Cape St. Mary’s in the rain and fog
An hour later, we are tied up on the wharf in the very crowded harbour at St. Brides. Since we needed fuel, we decided on a 2 night stay. A special thanks to Mary, who delivered 60 liters of fuel to the boat. Mary also gave us access to showers, which we totally appreciated.
St Brides
Lunch at the “Da Bird’s Eye”
Unloading today’s catch
Captain’s Blog, Tuesday, July 17, 2018
We departed St. Brides at 07:00. As the fog slowly lifts,we head for the inner bay with a light wind to our back. Occasionally, we get a glimpse of that ball of fire in the sky.
On several occasions we were joined by dolphins, with one pod staying with us for about 20 minutes.
Our escort
We tied up at Arnold’s Cove at 15:00.
Captain’s Blog – Friday, July 20, 2018
We have now been in Arnold’s Cove for 3 days. Things have been a little damp here, with yesterday giving us a full day of rain. Arnold’s Cove also experiences an unfair bit of fog. Sometimes, all you have to do is drive to Come By Chance to get out of the fog. Come by Chance is less than 5 miles from Arnold’s Cove.
A short distance from Arnold’s Cove (by boat) is Woody Island. Woody Island was re-settled back in the 60s, which means that the people who used to live there were relocated to other centers. Being that a good friend and his family will be there for a soiree aka kitchen party on Saturday night, we have decided to join them.
On Saturday morning, we boarded the m/v Merasheen and cruised out the bay to Woody Island, where we visited the Woody Island Resort, a resort promoting the simple way of life from days gone by.
…………………………………and a good time was had by all.
“And there’s the Bread and Cheese”
A walk on the beach at Marshall’s Point
On the way to Woody Island
After a fun weekend, we returned to Gallivanting on Sunday.
Captain’s Blog – Monday, July 23, 2018
With our Woody Island friend as chauffeur, we cruised the 50 odd kilometers to Clarenville, where we grabbed fuel, propane, groceries and miscellaneous boat parts.
Captain’s Blog – Tuesday, July 24, 2018
By 06:30, the fog has lifted and the sun is trying to break through the thin cloud cover. In other words, a beautiful summer day in Arnold’s Cove.
We departed Arnold’s Cove at 07:45, heading down the western channel, which runs on the west side of Merasheen Island. Visibility is good and the seas are calm.
Shortly after passing Merasheen Harbour at the Southern tip of Merasheen Island, we are joined by a large pod of very boisterous dolphins, who entertained us for at least 30 minutes.
Oderin Harbour is another resettled community located on a small island called Oderin Island. As the story goes, Oderin is the corrupted version of “Audierne”, a town in Brittany and was named by French fisherman back when the French fished Placentia Bay. The harbour is very well protected and has good holding.
The inner harbour at Oderin
Arrived Oderin at 15:30.
Captain’s Blog – Wednesday, July 25, 2018
We departed Oderin at 09:00.
Oderin Harbour…….. another re-settled community
The fog is lifting
The winds are out of the west-southwest, which means we are beating into the wind, with the seas building as we go.
Near the North entrance to Burin
Tied up at the public wharf in Ship Cove (Burin) at 13:30.
By 06:30, the fog has lifted and the sun is trying to break through the thin cloud cover. In other words, a beautiful summer day in Arnold’s Cove.
Captain’s Blog – Saturday, July 28, 2018
During our stay in Burin, we attended a Wednesday evening social with Newfoundland music and dancing. We also met up with a local fisherman, named Don, who provided us with a ride to Marystown, to find more boat pieces. Don also provided us with a loaf of his homemade bread and two jars of jelly………., blackberry and dogberry. The next morning, Gallivanting was filled with the smell of fresh toasted homemade bread. Thanks Don.
At the public wharf in Burin
After waiting for 3 days for a weather window (the wind), we departed Burin at 05:45.
A grey and foggy day
The winds were considerably less than yesterday, but 2 – 3 meter waves await us, as we motor out into the open Atlantic. The passage to Saint Pierre was a “rock’n roll” ride in the fog.
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Club Nautique de Saint Pierre and Miquelon
We arrived at Saint Pierre in a dense fog at 14:00. The fog here is so dense that it condenses into an extremely slow rain.
Captain’s Blog – Sunday, July 29, 2018
We started our walking tour of Saint-Pierre.

Captain’s Blog – Monday, July 30, 2018
Captain’s Blog – Tuesday, July 31, 2018.
After a visit to the boulangerie for pastry and bread, a long laundry experience, a walk to the service station for fuel and farewells to other cruisers, we departed Saint-Pierre at 11:30.
The weather was a mix of sun and cloud and the wind was out of the west. As we headed north to the island of Miquelon, we optimistically raised the sails in hope of a beam reach. After being frustrated by winds of variable speed and direction, we furled the jib and left the main up to help minimize the rolling effect of the waves. As we neared Miquelon harbour, we changed course and headed west into the harbour and into the wind. By this time, the westerlies had picked up considerably making it difficult to go on deck. The water flattens as we near the shore, which made the lowering of the mainsail much more comfortable.
We tie up to public wharf in Miquelon Harbour at 16:00.
My GGGG Grandfather, Charles “Joseph” LeJeune Jr. was baptized on the Island of Miquelon on December 22, 1766.
In the evening, we did a walking tour of this small town. At the Nature Interpretation Center, we learned that they have white tailed deer on the island with a hunting season. Scallops are farmed just outside the harbor in about 60 feet of water. When shopping for scallops, we quickly learned that they are locally known as St. Jacques as in “Coquille St. Jacques”.
After locating a small supply of these locally grown St. Jacques, Linda created a fine dish known on the s/v Gallivanting as “Pasta St. Jacques”.
Captain’s Blog – Wednesday, August 1, 2018
We departed Miquelon at 08:00 under clear skies and light winds.
To minimize the roll from the quarterly swells, we unfurled the jib and motor sailed.
We arrived Fortune at 12:00, tied up at a floating dock walked over to the customs office and checked back into Canada.
Captain’s Blog – Thursday, August 2, 2018
After showers and a brief discussion with the crew of the m/v Grace of Tides, we departed Fortune at 09:15.
The winds are out of the west at 10 to 15 kts. and we are heading North, with a destination of Harbour Breton. To minimize the roll from the quarterly swells, we unfurled the jib.
We arrived Harbour Breton at 13:30 and found space on the floating dock. There, we met up with Peter and Natasha. Peter has been fishing since the age of 15. Peter and Natasha very kindly drove us to the service station for fuel.
In the late afternoon, Peter pulls up next to Gallivanting and invites us on a cruise. We very hastily, grabbed a few things and boarded Peter’s fishing boat for a cruise down the shore. The skies are clear and the winds are calm, except for an east-west cloud front to the south, which appears to be moving north. After what seems to be about an hour, we arrived in a secluded bay with a few cabins. After an exchange of greetings with some people at one of the cabins, Peter and Natasha decided to tie up to a mooring, at which point we were picked up in a dory by Dave.
On shore we met a group of people who were vacationing at their summer cabins in this secluded area of Fortune Bay.
While we chatted and socialized on shore, the cloud cover moved in with some light rain. By the time we departed, the winds had also picked up offshore, resulting in significant onshore waves. Our return to Harbour Breton, was much bumpier than the ride out. Nevertheless, it was special to experience what is like to be pounding into waves, in the dark, on a Newfoundland fishing vessel. Thank you, Peter and Natasha.
Upon our arrival back in Harbour Breton, we quickly settled in for the night.
Captain’s Blog – Friday, August 3, 2018
We decided to stay in Harbour Breton for another night.
We start out with breakfast at the Sunny Cottage, a large historic home that once belonged to a local merchant. A tour of the house was followed by a long walk around the community, taking in a dockside café, a marine store and a grocery store.
The Sunny Cottage
In the afternoon, the s/v Emerald arrives and rafts alongside Gallivanting. In the evening, we socialize with the crew of Emerald.
Captain’s Blog – Saturday, August 4, 2018
We departed Harbour Breton in the fog at 08:30, accompanied by the s/v Emerald, who are heading for Facheux Bay, a 20 mile deep fiord, near McCallum, while we are heading for Hare Bay.
The winds are ~ west at 5 to 10 knots and our heading is ~ west. We transited the Pass Island Tickle at 11:45, and are now on a NE heading to mouth of Hare Bay. With the jib unfurled, we motor sailed at 6.5 to 7.0 kts (in the fog).
We arrived at the entrance to Hare Bay at 14:00. Hare Bay is 6 mile long fiord. The entrance to the fiord is ~ 1000 feet wide with steep rocks faces, sometimes rising more than 1000 feet into the fog.
At the head of the bay, we branch into Northwest arm, where we dropped anchor near a sheer rock face behind Sandy Point at 15:00. The winds are light and the sun sometimes peeks through the fog. We settle in for the night.
Captain’s Blog – Sunday, August 5, 2018
We wake up in the in the fog and notice another sail boat anchored nearby.
Captain’s Blog- Monday, August 6, 2018
We departed Hare Bay in the fog at 08:30.
We arrived Francois in the fog at 11:00.
Despite it’s quaint and unique setting, we were a little disappointed in Francois. We had heard nice things about this community. At first, we did not think we would find a place to tie up, but after seeing a boat getting ready to depart, we expected that our problem was solved, only to find that another small boat was being placed in the vacated spot.
Across the harbour, we managed to raft up on a fishing boat, with the help of it’s crew. Shortly, after, we had another sailboat raft up to our boat. A young lady came by to collect wharfage fees. When asked about services, we were informed that there weren’t any. Without services, we reluctantly decided to depart Francois first thing in the morning.
Captain’s Blog – Tuesday, August 7, 2018
We departed Francois in the fog at 07:45.
The community at Grey River.
We arrived Northwest Arm, Grey River in the fog at 11:00.
Captain’s Blog – Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Another day in Grey River.
After overnight thunderstorms, we were greeted with sunshine.
Northwest Arm, Grey River
Captain’s Blog – Thursday, August 9, 2018
We departed Northwest Arm, Grey River in the sunshine at 07:45.
The Ramea Islands
We arrived Ramea in sun and cloud at 11:00.
Captain’s Blog – Friday, August 10, 2018
Rain and southerly winds overnight. By noon the rain has stopped, the winds have decreased and the fog has moved in.
There were 7 sailboats tied up overnight. Ramea’s Rock Island Music Festival begins today, with outdoor bingo at 13:00.
Ramea is friendly to visiting boaters. Their services include water and electricity on the dock, with showers and laundry nearby. A small grocery/hardware/liquor store is just a short walk from the dock. Fuel is also available.
Captain’s Blog – Saturday, August 11, 2018
Entrance to White Bear Bay, as seen from Ramea on a clear day.
We wake up to sunshine. Shortly after noon, we finished an 8 kilometer walk around the island, including a visit to the lighthouse. While in Ramea, we were rafted up to another Niagara 35, crewed by Steve and Deirdre, who are from Ontario, but have a house in Ramea. In the evening, we take in a dinner put on as part of the festivities. A dance with entertainment followed.
Drying cod on the clothes line………..
Captain’s Blog – Sunday, August 12, 2018
We departed Ramea in sunshine at 08:00. The winds were out of the west at 10-15kts, with a quarterly swell.
We arrived Burgeo in sunshine at 1000. Had a short rendez-vous with the crew of aghavni, before their departure for Grand Bruit.
Captain’s Blog – Monday, August 13, 2018
In the morning, we topped up our fuel, propane and water before departing Burgeo in clear weather at 10:30.
Offshore, the winds are light and with fog patches. We arrived Grand Bruit in sunshine at 14:00. After a walk around this resettled community, we settled in for the night.
Captain’s Blog – Tuesday, August 14, 2018
We departed Grand Bruit at 08:00 in light winds and clear skies. The plan was to head for Rose Blanche, but with the more comfortable condition, we decided to head for Port-aux-Basques.
At 11:00, we passed the fairway buoy for Rose Blanche.
At 13:00, we passed the fairway buoy for Isle aux Morts.
At 14:00, we arrived Port-aux-Basques, which means that we have completed our circumnavigation of the island of Newfoundland.
After a short walk about the town, we see the s/V Aghavni sailing in at 16:00. After pizza and a water top up, Aghavni departed for Îles de la Madeleine at 20:00.
Captain’s Blog – Wednesday, August 15, 2018
In anticipation of crossing the Cabot Strait, we top up our onboard fuel tank. Linda did some grocery shopping, while I check the weather forecasts. The weather in the Cabot Strait is difficult to predict and the conditions can change quickly. The passage is a 100 mile overnighter or 20 hours, if the seas are reasonably flat. If not……….., not fun.
After considerable discussion, we departed Port-aux-Basques at 19:00. The winds are out of the south and on the nose, so no sails. Things were relatively comfortable until about midnight, when the seas got a little ugly and lightning flashed to the north.
Sunset at sea.
Thursday morning, August 16, 2018
Just before daybreak, we smelled something burning and within seconds the cabin lights were out. A quick visit below found smoke and a tripped breaker, but no fire. The banging into the waves must have shorted some of the wiring.
We passed several ferries during the night. AIS works great.
The seas calmed a little at around 08:00. We arrived Dobson Yacht Club in Sydney at 13:00.
After a nap, I made repairs to the cabin wiring and successfully recovered the cabin lighting circuits. In the evening, we visited the bar for a beer, had dinner on board and an early to bed.
Captain’s Blog – Saturday, August 18, 2018
Believe it or not…………, we went malling.
Captain’s Blog – Monday, August 20, 2018
After 4 days at the Dobson Yacht Club in Sydney, we departed for the Great Bra d’or at 05:30, so as to catch the flood current into the Bras d’or Lakes.
The weather was sun and cloud, with light winds.
Went under the Seal Island Bridge at 10:00.
We arrived at Baddeck Harbour at 12:30, topped up with fuel and did a walk about this quaint little town.
Captain’s Blog – Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Topped with water in the morning and departed Baddeck at 12:00.
The winds are out of the East at about 10 kts and the water is flat. The sails were set for a leisurely beam reach in a southerly direction toward the Barra Strait. At about 14:00, we started tacking North and arrived in Herring Cove at the bottom of Baddeck Bay. We dropped anchor at about 16:30.
Captain’s Blog – Wednesday, August 22, 2018
After a most comfortable night in Herring Cove, we woke up to sun and calm. We weight anchor at 09:30 and motored out of the bay, with a destination of Whycocomagh.
Shortly after passing Kinston Island, we raised the sails and sailed down the St. Patrick’s Channel.
We tied up at wharf in Whycocomagh at 15:00. After a short walk around town, we departed for West Cove, an anchorage on the south side of Whycocomagh Bay. We dropped anchor at 1600.
Captain’s Blog – Thursday, August 23, 2018
We weigh anchor in West Cove and set a easterly course toward the Baddeck area.
Captain’s Blog – Friday, August 24, 2018
Another quiet night in the Bras d’or Lakes. I must confess that the Bras d’or Lakes has been a sort of a respite after sailing the south coast of Newfoundland. Since our arrival, the sun has been shining with daytime highs in the mid twenties. The sails have been up everyday.
Wing on Wing
The Bras d’or Lakes
After spending the night on the hook in Maskell’s Harbour, we dropped anchor in Baddeck Harbour at 16:00.
Captain’s Blog – Saturday, August 26, 2018
The beautiful weather continues. After 2 quiet nights on the hook in Baddeck Harbour, we departed for Sydney at 10:00. While anchored in the harbour, we dinghied into the marina to walk about town which often included breakfast, lunch and even a lobster dinner.
We pass under the Seal Island bridge at 12:30. We again managed to catch “slack water” in the Big Bras d’or. We arrived back at the Dobson Yacht Club at 17:00.
Captain’s Blog – Saturday, September 1, 2018
The past week was spent preparing Gallivanting for haulout. Yesterday, the mast was pulled and placed in the rack. Yes, it’s September and time to put the boat away. Time to go home for the winter. Ops…….., I meant Fall.
Summer 2018 was quite different from Summer 2017, mostly due to the different climate on the South coast as compared with the climate on the West and Northeast coasts. The South coast is extremely humid/damp, so damp in fact that I discovered leaks in my cabin top that I didn’t even know were there. The one stand out memory, common to both Summers, was the amount of garbage that finds it’s way into the ocean and in particular the amount of plastic.
To get a sense of the impact of plastic on ocean life, check out the “A Plastic Ocean” on Netflix.
Captain’s Blog – Tuesday, September 4, 2018
The jack stands arrived today. The weather continues to be quite nice.
Captain’s Blog – Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Gallivanting is now out of the water and sitting comfortably on new jack stands. The next few days were spent preparing the boat for winter.
Captain’s Blog – Thursday, September 6, 2018
Today was spent doing the final winterizing, which includes the engine and the plumbing.
Captain’s Blog – Friday, September 7, 2018
The shrink wrap guys arrived at about 16:00. The sun is gone by the time they get finished. The flight home has been booked for tomorrow.